NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Ely will hold two Public Hearings on October 4, 2022 at Ely City Hall, Council Chambers at 209 E Chapman St, Ely, Minnesota.
Public Hearing at 5:00pm to hear public comment regarding, Ordinance 360, the consideration to rezone PID 030-0064-00040 – Lot 4, Block 1, Echo Property. This property is currently classified as a Residential 1 (R1) zone and will be rezoned to Commercial 2 (C2).
Public Hearing at 5:15pm to hear public comment regarding, Ordinance 361, the Sale of Land PID 030-0030-02340, Lot 54, Block 8, Auditors Plat of Chandler Addition to Ely to Daniel Krings
All interested parties may submit communication to the Clerk’s Office, 209 E Chapman St, Ely, MN, 55731, 218-365-3224 Ext 1,, or in person at the public hearing.
NOTICE OF Absentee Voting for the General Election To the Electors of the City of Ely in the County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the General Election will be held at 27 South 1st. Avenue, East (the Senior Center) on TUESDAY, November 8, 2022, at which time the polls will be open from the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Anyone who wishes to vote by ABSENTEE BALLOT can obtain an Absentee Ballot Application by: • Online - • Call - City Hall, Clerk’s Office - 218-365-3224 Ext 1 • In person – Clerk’s Office, 209 E Chapman St, Ely MN o Monday –Friday 8am-4:30pm, o Saturday, November 5th 10am-3pm o Monday, November 7th 8am-5pm • Email -
Once an Absentee Ballot Application is received, a ballot will be available to you.
Ely Echo September 24, 2022 October 1, 2022 October 8, 2022 October 15, 2022 October 22, 2022 October 29, 2022 November 5, 2022
THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: SECTION 1. Chapter 20, Section 2, of the City Code of the City of Ely, Minnesota is amended to read as follows: SEC. 20.2.60. AUTHORIZING SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TO DANIEL K. KRINGS The Council of the City of Ely is hereby authorized to transfer, for the price of Five Thousand Dollars and 00/100 Cents ($5,000.00) and the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute all documents and perform all acts necessary for the transfer to Daniel K. Krings subject to execution of standard form purchase agreement, subject to Buyer paying all costs associated with the City’s acquiring and transfering property, and subject to easements of record on the real property legally described as follows: Lot 54, Block 8, Auditors Plat of Chandler Addition to Ely, according to the recorded plat thereof
SECTION 2. Effective Date: Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the Charter of the City of Ely, Minnesota, the adoption of this Ordinance is effective immediately after final adoption and publication.
Publication Date: September 24, 2022 Newspaper: Ely Echo
SECTION 1. A new Section shall be added to Chapter 20 as Section 20.1.28, of the Ely City Code to read as follows:
Section 20.1.28 Zoning Map Amendment. The zoning classification of parcels of land located in the City of Ely, County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota, which have the following legal descriptions:
are hereby changed from the current zoned classification of Residential 1 (R1) to Commercial 2 (C2)
SECTION 2. Effective Date: Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the Charter of the City of Ely, Minnesota, the adoption of this Ordinance is effective immediately after final adoption and publication.
Publication Date: September 24, 2022 Newspaper: Ely Echo
Regular Meeting Ely City Council – City Hall, Council Chambers September 6, 2022
CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Ely City Council was called to order by Mayor Skraba at 5:32pm in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Council members A.Forsman, Debeltz, Omerza, Callen, Campbell, and Mayor Skraba ABSENT: Council Member Kess
Mayor Skraba recognized Keith Vandervort the Ely Timberjay’s Reporter/Editor that passed away this last week. A moment of silence was observed to remember Keith.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Debeltz/Campbell moved to approve the minutes from the August 16, 2022 Regular Council Meeting. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
ADDITIONS OR OMISSIONS TO AGENDA: A. Additions 8 A - Employee Relations Committee – Library Assistant Job Description B. Additions 12 A - Committee Openings C. Additions 13 E - Razor Edge Systems Quotes for renovation and build out of Vacant Building Omerza/Callen moved to add the additions A-C. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Skraba indicated that it has been a very busy summer and the businesses he has talked to have been doing really well. Skraba indicated when he has been talking to constituents the need for housing keeps coming up. Langowski indicated that we have 11 lots left in Spaulding, 2 of the old lots and 9 new lots. We have also been working with the HRA for Market Rate Housing. We are working on trying to find the funding for a 22 unit that would include double and single unit housing complex behind Sibley and Grahek Apartments.
CONSENT AGENDA: Debeltz/Callen move to waive readings in entirety of all ordinances and resolutions on tonight’s agenda. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Standing/Special Planning & Zoning Commission Matter of Information: Recommendation from Planning and Zoning to approve the lot split for 1815 E Chapman Street. The Mobile home has been removed and the Property Owner wishes to divide property. Langowski indicated that this is an option for the property owner; they may go a different route as they are working with the adjourning property that has a well on the property.
Campbell/A.Forsman moved to approve the recommendation from Planning and Zoning to Rezone parcel 030-0064-00040 property owned by Keith Singery at Hwy 1 and Harvey Street from R-1 to C-2 and to have Attorney Klun draft the ordinance for the rezone. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Matter of Information: Planning and Zoning approved a Conditional Use Permit for Steger Designs at 100 Miners Drive Parcel 030-0220-00030 to construct an additional building on property which land covenants did not allow.
Cemetery Committee Debeltz/Callen moved to approve the recommendation from the Cemetery Committee to approve the Columbarium Niche Numbering: 100’s for Columbarium #1, 200’s for Columbarium #2, Etc Starting on the South Side numbering starting at the top left going across, then down continuing consecutively from top left on North side. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Mike Banovetz – Cemetery Committee’s concerns about Rules and Regulations adherence on Monuments/Stone installations. – Langowski indicated the cemetery committee is requesting a Study Session in October to discuss how Monuments and Stones are being installed in the Cemetery.
Ely Utilities Commission A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve signing of the Salvation Army HeatShare Contract which will be distributed on the City Website and Social Media. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Omerza moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve the $18,800 payment to EATON for load management programming. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approved the recommendation from the EUC to approve payment of the EUC July Bills for $340,674.57. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Campbell moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve payment to InControl for the WWTF VFD Replacement Project. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve payment to WWTF A Operator Mick Shusta for $500.00. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Telecommunications Advisory Board Debeltz/A.Forsman moved to approve the recommendation from TAB to purchase two cameras with installation and programming from Custom Theaters for $3,116 for webcams on West Sheridan St. The purchase is paid from the fund balance. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Employee Relations Committee Omerza/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from Employee Relations to recommend the Library Assistant Job Description be approved by the Council and forwarded to AFSCME for review and consideration during negotiations. A.Forsman asked if they are planning on an additional library worker. Library Director Heinrich indicated that it would not be an additional employee it would be posted internally. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Budget Committee A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from the Budget Committee to approve the maximum tax levy for 2023 at $2,117,500 which is a 7.06% increase from 2022. A.Forsman stated that when budgets were presented a couple months ago they were a bit higher, but the budgets have been reduced since then. Mayor Skraba indicated that this is the initial recommendation; we can try to lower this before December. Langowski indicated it is a contract year for LELS and AFSCME which has been factored into the budgets, also we will not have our health insurance numbers until the end of October beginning of November. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Campbell moved to approve Resolution 2022-024 Resolution Approving and Adopting Proposed Tax Levy Collectible in 2023. Roll Called: A.Forsman – Yes, Kess – Absent, Debeltz – Yes, Omerza – Yes, Callen – Yes, Campbell – Yes and Mayor Skraba – Yes. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Campbell moved to approve the recommendation from the Budget Committee to reallocate $10,000 Covid Relief Funds to Well Being Development. A.Forsman stated that they send an application in July and it was missed, they are receiving half of what they asked for. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Pioneer Mine Ely Arts Heritage Langowski stated they are still working on the Miners Memorial and are hoping to get the foundation work done this fall. They are working on getting all the names of people who died in the area mines around Ely for the Memorial.
DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: Clerk-Treasurer Proposed School Easement Description for Utilities Langowski indicated that he has been working with the school to get an easement for the utilities with the school project so the City will have access to the utilities. There are two separate easements one for the front of the school and one for the back of the school. Omerza/Callen moved to approve the 2 easements with the school. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
They will be paving the school parking lots tomorrow, 7th Avenue/Strukel Way will be closed Harvey to Pattison through Saturday.
Langowski indicated to perform the load management programing with Eaton we need to install relays. If you have off peak or dual fuel heating we are converting these over to the new system. We need to go into approximately 150 houses to change the relays over to the new system, which requires a licensed journeyman electrician. Butch Gornik held that license with the City. He is willing to come in for the next month or so as a contracted employee to install the relays, which is on the electric side and part of the load management budgeting. Butch has agreed to do this at an hourly rate of $50 per hour, and to work with city staff to install them. We do not have a utility commission meeting until the end of the month, but we need to stay ahead of this, so Langowski wanted the council to be aware of what we are doing.
Fire Chief Chief Marshall discussed the recent calls for the fire department. The Fire Department had their annual family picnic at Semer’s on August 27th. The new Ariel truck arrived in Minnesota and the new pumper truck arrived in Ely on August 30th. Public Safety Open House is at the end of the month.
Library Director Library Director Heinrich discussed the current programing at the Library which can be found on the Library website. October 7th is the 100th Anniversary of the Library.
Police Chief Omerza/Debeltz moved to approve the quote for a new computer for the Police Department from Voltz for $1,178.99 for the interview room. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent. Chief Houde indicated that Public Safety Night is on September 28th. New Police Officer Daniel Mooers will be starting next week and Ryan Mahoney will be starting at the end of the month. Harvest Moon Festival is this weekend; we will be using Northland Alert again for notifications for the weekend. Text harvestmoon to 888777 to receive notifications. School starts next Monday, September 12th with the new school pick up and drop off locations. Notifications have been in the papers regarding the new school pick up and drop off, if anyone has any questions they can call the police department or the school, we will have a couple officers at pick up and drop off to help with traffic.
City Attorney Residential Rehab Loan for Maria Theresa Archer at 946 E Chapman St. Attorney Klun indicated that this is currently on hold, the property is on a contract for deed. The owner of the property could apply. Klun explained for these loans we put a mortgage on the property, the mortgage would go to the owner. A.Forsman asked if it would be possible to have the loan in her name. What is her position in the contract for deed, how many years is she into the contract? 2 years? 15 years? If there is some way we can work with Mrs. Archer, he would like to. Attorney Klun indicated that they can reach out to her and see where she is with the contract for deed.
Callen/A.Forsman moved to approve the Note and Mortgage for the Residential Rehab Loan for Kimberly Koivisto at 344 E James St to replace the roof and a new water heater in the amount of $10,000. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Debeltz/A.Forsman moved to approve the East Spaulding Reversionary Interest Linda Solum and Sale to Barry Laine. Approval of Quit Claim Deed, removing the City’s right of re-entry to the property legally described as follows Lot 3, Block 3 in East Spaulding from Linda Solum and carrying over the same addendum and right of re-entry to Barry Laine. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Campbell/A.Forsman moved to approve the Purchase Agreement between Daniel Krings and City of Ely for sale of Parcel 030-0030-02340 for $5000. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
COMMUNICATIONS: Matter of Information Correspondence from the Chamber of Commerce
CLAIMS FOR PAYMENT: Omerza/Callen moved to approve the Claims for Payment items A-G. A. City and EUC claims for September 6, 2022 - $956,771.90 B. Partial Payment Estimate #5 for the Ely WWTF Improvements Project to Rice Lake Construction Group for $511,384.05. C. Coalition of Greater MN Cities 2023 General Membership Dues for $6,108 D. Coalition of Greater MN Cities 2023 Voluntary Assessment for $817 E. League of Minnesota Cities Membership Dues for 2022-2023 for $3817.00 F. Minnesota Mayors Association Membership Dues for 2022-2023 for $30.00. G. Partial Payment Estimate No 6 for the 2021 City Infrastructure Improvements project to Utility Systems of America for $42,697.71 Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent. OLD BUSINESS: Committee Openings: Heritage Preservation Commission (1 Seat Open – Term Expiring 1/31/2025) New Applicants - *resident - Margaret Egan – Ely Resident Campbell/Debeltz moved to approve Margaret Egan to the Heritage Preservation Commission with term expiring 1/31/2025. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent. Margaret Egan thanked the council and appreciates the opportunity to serve the community. NEW BUSINESS: Debeltz/Callen moved to approve the Development Agreement between the City of Ely and Razor Edge Systems for the renovation and finishing of the building at 1625 E Camp St for funding through the IRRR Development Infrastructure Program. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent
Omerza/A.Forsman moved to approve Resolution 2022-025 Resolution Authorizing City of Ely to Make Application to and Accept Funds from FY23 Development Infrastructure Grant Program. Roll Called: A.Forsman – Yes, Kess – Absent, Debeltz – Yes, Omerza – Yes, Callen – Yes, Campbell – Yes and Mayor Skraba – Yes. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Debeltz/Omerza moved to approve the Residential Rehab Loan for Brittany Foster at 6 W Harvey St to replace the concrete steps which are sinking and pulling down on her roof in the amount of up to $8,000 pending proper paperwork and fees and to direct Attorney Klun to work with application and proceed with loan processing. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Debeltz/Callen moved to approve the request for in kind services for the 2022 Harvest Moon Festival from the Chamber of Commerce. Langowski indicated that we will keep the park bathrooms open, in the past the chamber paid for the overtime and paper products, but they are unable to pay for those services anymore. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Campbell/Omerza moved to approve Razor Edge Systems Quotes for renovation and build out of Vacant Building – Recommendation to award quoted work to Lenci Enterprises Inc for $333,750 and Phil Hegfors and Son Construction $24,930. Langowski indicated that the IRRR is helping with a grant for the extension of utilities and plumbing in the building. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
ADJOURN: Omerza/Debeltz moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:56pm. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Ely Echo September 24, 2022 PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Ely will hold two Public Hearings on October 4, 2022 at Ely City Hall, Council Chambers at 209 E Chapman St, Ely, Minnesota.
Public Hearing at 5:00pm to hear public comment regarding, Ordinance 360, the consideration to rezone PID 030-0064-00040 – Lot 4, Block 1, Echo Property. This property is currently classified as a Residential 1 (R1) zone and will be rezoned to Commercial 2 (C2).
Public Hearing at 5:15pm to hear public comment regarding, Ordinance 361, the Sale of Land PID 030-0030-02340, Lot 54, Block 8, Auditors Plat of Chandler Addition to Ely to Daniel Krings
All interested parties may submit communication to the Clerk’s Office, 209 E Chapman St, Ely, MN, 55731, 218-365-3224 Ext 1,, or in person at the public hearing.
NOTICE OF Absentee Voting for the General Election To the Electors of the City of Ely in the County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the General Election will be held at 27 South 1st. Avenue, East (the Senior Center) on TUESDAY, November 8, 2022, at which time the polls will be open from the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Anyone who wishes to vote by ABSENTEE BALLOT can obtain an Absentee Ballot Application by: • Online - • Call - City Hall, Clerk’s Office - 218-365-3224 Ext 1 • In person – Clerk’s Office, 209 E Chapman St, Ely MN o Monday –Friday 8am-4:30pm, o Saturday, November 5th 10am-3pm o Monday, November 7th 8am-5pm • Email -
Once an Absentee Ballot Application is received, a ballot will be available to you.
Ely Echo September 24, 2022 October 1, 2022 October 8, 2022 October 15, 2022 October 22, 2022 October 29, 2022 November 5, 2022
THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: SECTION 1. Chapter 20, Section 2, of the City Code of the City of Ely, Minnesota is amended to read as follows: SEC. 20.2.60. AUTHORIZING SALE OF REAL PROPERTY TO DANIEL K. KRINGS The Council of the City of Ely is hereby authorized to transfer, for the price of Five Thousand Dollars and 00/100 Cents ($5,000.00) and the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute all documents and perform all acts necessary for the transfer to Daniel K. Krings subject to execution of standard form purchase agreement, subject to Buyer paying all costs associated with the City’s acquiring and transfering property, and subject to easements of record on the real property legally described as follows: Lot 54, Block 8, Auditors Plat of Chandler Addition to Ely, according to the recorded plat thereof
SECTION 2. Effective Date: Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the Charter of the City of Ely, Minnesota, the adoption of this Ordinance is effective immediately after final adoption and publication.
Publication Date: September 24, 2022 Newspaper: Ely Echo
SECTION 1. A new Section shall be added to Chapter 20 as Section 20.1.28, of the Ely City Code to read as follows:
Section 20.1.28 Zoning Map Amendment. The zoning classification of parcels of land located in the City of Ely, County of St. Louis, State of Minnesota, which have the following legal descriptions:
are hereby changed from the current zoned classification of Residential 1 (R1) to Commercial 2 (C2)
SECTION 2. Effective Date: Pursuant to Section 3.08 of the Charter of the City of Ely, Minnesota, the adoption of this Ordinance is effective immediately after final adoption and publication.
Publication Date: September 24, 2022 Newspaper: Ely Echo
Regular Meeting Ely City Council – City Hall, Council Chambers September 6, 2022
CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Ely City Council was called to order by Mayor Skraba at 5:32pm in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Council members A.Forsman, Debeltz, Omerza, Callen, Campbell, and Mayor Skraba ABSENT: Council Member Kess
Mayor Skraba recognized Keith Vandervort the Ely Timberjay’s Reporter/Editor that passed away this last week. A moment of silence was observed to remember Keith.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Debeltz/Campbell moved to approve the minutes from the August 16, 2022 Regular Council Meeting. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
ADDITIONS OR OMISSIONS TO AGENDA: A. Additions 8 A - Employee Relations Committee – Library Assistant Job Description B. Additions 12 A - Committee Openings C. Additions 13 E - Razor Edge Systems Quotes for renovation and build out of Vacant Building Omerza/Callen moved to add the additions A-C. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Skraba indicated that it has been a very busy summer and the businesses he has talked to have been doing really well. Skraba indicated when he has been talking to constituents the need for housing keeps coming up. Langowski indicated that we have 11 lots left in Spaulding, 2 of the old lots and 9 new lots. We have also been working with the HRA for Market Rate Housing. We are working on trying to find the funding for a 22 unit that would include double and single unit housing complex behind Sibley and Grahek Apartments.
CONSENT AGENDA: Debeltz/Callen move to waive readings in entirety of all ordinances and resolutions on tonight’s agenda. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Standing/Special Planning & Zoning Commission Matter of Information: Recommendation from Planning and Zoning to approve the lot split for 1815 E Chapman Street. The Mobile home has been removed and the Property Owner wishes to divide property. Langowski indicated that this is an option for the property owner; they may go a different route as they are working with the adjourning property that has a well on the property.
Campbell/A.Forsman moved to approve the recommendation from Planning and Zoning to Rezone parcel 030-0064-00040 property owned by Keith Singery at Hwy 1 and Harvey Street from R-1 to C-2 and to have Attorney Klun draft the ordinance for the rezone. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Matter of Information: Planning and Zoning approved a Conditional Use Permit for Steger Designs at 100 Miners Drive Parcel 030-0220-00030 to construct an additional building on property which land covenants did not allow.
Cemetery Committee Debeltz/Callen moved to approve the recommendation from the Cemetery Committee to approve the Columbarium Niche Numbering: 100’s for Columbarium #1, 200’s for Columbarium #2, Etc Starting on the South Side numbering starting at the top left going across, then down continuing consecutively from top left on North side. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Mike Banovetz – Cemetery Committee’s concerns about Rules and Regulations adherence on Monuments/Stone installations. – Langowski indicated the cemetery committee is requesting a Study Session in October to discuss how Monuments and Stones are being installed in the Cemetery.
Ely Utilities Commission A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve signing of the Salvation Army HeatShare Contract which will be distributed on the City Website and Social Media. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Omerza moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve the $18,800 payment to EATON for load management programming. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approved the recommendation from the EUC to approve payment of the EUC July Bills for $340,674.57. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Campbell moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve payment to InControl for the WWTF VFD Replacement Project. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from the EUC to approve payment to WWTF A Operator Mick Shusta for $500.00. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Telecommunications Advisory Board Debeltz/A.Forsman moved to approve the recommendation from TAB to purchase two cameras with installation and programming from Custom Theaters for $3,116 for webcams on West Sheridan St. The purchase is paid from the fund balance. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Employee Relations Committee Omerza/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from Employee Relations to recommend the Library Assistant Job Description be approved by the Council and forwarded to AFSCME for review and consideration during negotiations. A.Forsman asked if they are planning on an additional library worker. Library Director Heinrich indicated that it would not be an additional employee it would be posted internally. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Budget Committee A.Forsman/Debeltz moved to approve the recommendation from the Budget Committee to approve the maximum tax levy for 2023 at $2,117,500 which is a 7.06% increase from 2022. A.Forsman stated that when budgets were presented a couple months ago they were a bit higher, but the budgets have been reduced since then. Mayor Skraba indicated that this is the initial recommendation; we can try to lower this before December. Langowski indicated it is a contract year for LELS and AFSCME which has been factored into the budgets, also we will not have our health insurance numbers until the end of October beginning of November. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Campbell moved to approve Resolution 2022-024 Resolution Approving and Adopting Proposed Tax Levy Collectible in 2023. Roll Called: A.Forsman – Yes, Kess – Absent, Debeltz – Yes, Omerza – Yes, Callen – Yes, Campbell – Yes and Mayor Skraba – Yes. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
A.Forsman/Campbell moved to approve the recommendation from the Budget Committee to reallocate $10,000 Covid Relief Funds to Well Being Development. A.Forsman stated that they send an application in July and it was missed, they are receiving half of what they asked for. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Pioneer Mine Ely Arts Heritage Langowski stated they are still working on the Miners Memorial and are hoping to get the foundation work done this fall. They are working on getting all the names of people who died in the area mines around Ely for the Memorial.
DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: Clerk-Treasurer Proposed School Easement Description for Utilities Langowski indicated that he has been working with the school to get an easement for the utilities with the school project so the City will have access to the utilities. There are two separate easements one for the front of the school and one for the back of the school. Omerza/Callen moved to approve the 2 easements with the school. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
They will be paving the school parking lots tomorrow, 7th Avenue/Strukel Way will be closed Harvey to Pattison through Saturday.
Langowski indicated to perform the load management programing with Eaton we need to install relays. If you have off peak or dual fuel heating we are converting these over to the new system. We need to go into approximately 150 houses to change the relays over to the new system, which requires a licensed journeyman electrician. Butch Gornik held that license with the City. He is willing to come in for the next month or so as a contracted employee to install the relays, which is on the electric side and part of the load management budgeting. Butch has agreed to do this at an hourly rate of $50 per hour, and to work with city staff to install them. We do not have a utility commission meeting until the end of the month, but we need to stay ahead of this, so Langowski wanted the council to be aware of what we are doing.
Fire Chief Chief Marshall discussed the recent calls for the fire department. The Fire Department had their annual family picnic at Semer’s on August 27th. The new Ariel truck arrived in Minnesota and the new pumper truck arrived in Ely on August 30th. Public Safety Open House is at the end of the month.
Library Director Library Director Heinrich discussed the current programing at the Library which can be found on the Library website. October 7th is the 100th Anniversary of the Library.
Police Chief Omerza/Debeltz moved to approve the quote for a new computer for the Police Department from Voltz for $1,178.99 for the interview room. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent. Chief Houde indicated that Public Safety Night is on September 28th. New Police Officer Daniel Mooers will be starting next week and Ryan Mahoney will be starting at the end of the month. Harvest Moon Festival is this weekend; we will be using Northland Alert again for notifications for the weekend. Text harvestmoon to 888777 to receive notifications. School starts next Monday, September 12th with the new school pick up and drop off locations. Notifications have been in the papers regarding the new school pick up and drop off, if anyone has any questions they can call the police department or the school, we will have a couple officers at pick up and drop off to help with traffic.
City Attorney Residential Rehab Loan for Maria Theresa Archer at 946 E Chapman St. Attorney Klun indicated that this is currently on hold, the property is on a contract for deed. The owner of the property could apply. Klun explained for these loans we put a mortgage on the property, the mortgage would go to the owner. A.Forsman asked if it would be possible to have the loan in her name. What is her position in the contract for deed, how many years is she into the contract? 2 years? 15 years? If there is some way we can work with Mrs. Archer, he would like to. Attorney Klun indicated that they can reach out to her and see where she is with the contract for deed.
Callen/A.Forsman moved to approve the Note and Mortgage for the Residential Rehab Loan for Kimberly Koivisto at 344 E James St to replace the roof and a new water heater in the amount of $10,000. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Debeltz/A.Forsman moved to approve the East Spaulding Reversionary Interest Linda Solum and Sale to Barry Laine. Approval of Quit Claim Deed, removing the City’s right of re-entry to the property legally described as follows Lot 3, Block 3 in East Spaulding from Linda Solum and carrying over the same addendum and right of re-entry to Barry Laine. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Campbell/A.Forsman moved to approve the Purchase Agreement between Daniel Krings and City of Ely for sale of Parcel 030-0030-02340 for $5000. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
COMMUNICATIONS: Matter of Information Correspondence from the Chamber of Commerce
CLAIMS FOR PAYMENT: Omerza/Callen moved to approve the Claims for Payment items A-G. A. City and EUC claims for September 6, 2022 - $956,771.90 B. Partial Payment Estimate #5 for the Ely WWTF Improvements Project to Rice Lake Construction Group for $511,384.05. C. Coalition of Greater MN Cities 2023 General Membership Dues for $6,108 D. Coalition of Greater MN Cities 2023 Voluntary Assessment for $817 E. League of Minnesota Cities Membership Dues for 2022-2023 for $3817.00 F. Minnesota Mayors Association Membership Dues for 2022-2023 for $30.00. G. Partial Payment Estimate No 6 for the 2021 City Infrastructure Improvements project to Utility Systems of America for $42,697.71 Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent. OLD BUSINESS: Committee Openings: Heritage Preservation Commission (1 Seat Open – Term Expiring 1/31/2025) New Applicants - *resident - Margaret Egan – Ely Resident Campbell/Debeltz moved to approve Margaret Egan to the Heritage Preservation Commission with term expiring 1/31/2025. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent. Margaret Egan thanked the council and appreciates the opportunity to serve the community. NEW BUSINESS: Debeltz/Callen moved to approve the Development Agreement between the City of Ely and Razor Edge Systems for the renovation and finishing of the building at 1625 E Camp St for funding through the IRRR Development Infrastructure Program. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent
Omerza/A.Forsman moved to approve Resolution 2022-025 Resolution Authorizing City of Ely to Make Application to and Accept Funds from FY23 Development Infrastructure Grant Program. Roll Called: A.Forsman – Yes, Kess – Absent, Debeltz – Yes, Omerza – Yes, Callen – Yes, Campbell – Yes and Mayor Skraba – Yes. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Debeltz/Omerza moved to approve the Residential Rehab Loan for Brittany Foster at 6 W Harvey St to replace the concrete steps which are sinking and pulling down on her roof in the amount of up to $8,000 pending proper paperwork and fees and to direct Attorney Klun to work with application and proceed with loan processing. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Debeltz/Callen moved to approve the request for in kind services for the 2022 Harvest Moon Festival from the Chamber of Commerce. Langowski indicated that we will keep the park bathrooms open, in the past the chamber paid for the overtime and paper products, but they are unable to pay for those services anymore. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
Campbell/Omerza moved to approve Razor Edge Systems Quotes for renovation and build out of Vacant Building – Recommendation to award quoted work to Lenci Enterprises Inc for $333,750 and Phil Hegfors and Son Construction $24,930. Langowski indicated that the IRRR is helping with a grant for the extension of utilities and plumbing in the building. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
ADJOURN: Omerza/Debeltz moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:56pm. Motion Carried 6-0-1 with Kess Absent.
The Ely Echo 15 E. Chapman Street Ely, MN 55731 218-365-3141 218-365-3142 FAX E-mail
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